A review copy of this book was provided to me by the publisher. Although I accepted this product for review, I did not receive any additional compensation and all opinions are my own.
Marie Segares of the Underground Crafter and Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show has created an invaluable tool for those who are considering venturing into the world of teaching crochet. It's even a great refresher resource for current fiber instructors. Available in multiple formats, it's convenient for absolutely everyone no matter what their "technology" comfort level is! In 5 easy to navigate through sections like "Getting started", "The business side of things", "Marketing", "Prepping for class" and "Resources" you'll gain the skills and confidence to bring your money making crochet business to the next level, whatever that "next level" for you is.
What's in the Book?
This practical,
hands-on guide will get you ready to start teaching crochet for the first time,
or inspire you to expand your existing crochet teaching business so you can
make more money.
Start by
setting your teaching goals using guiding questions. Then, learn how to put the
right structures in place for your business so you can reach those goals. The
book covers business basics like determining what types of payments to accept,
setting up cancellation policies, and more. Inside, you’ll find proven marketing
strategies and tactics to help you reach the right students and price your
classes correctly. Finally, you’ll get organized by developing course
descriptions, lesson plans, and packing lists for your classes. The resources
section shares free and low-cost resources to help you expand your business,
stay on top of the latest trends in crochet, network with other teachers,
promote your classes, and more.
there is plenty of useful information in the book for crocheters who are
considering teaching as a hobby, or those who want to teach other crafts for
profit, the focus is on developing a sustainable part-time business teaching
crochet. If you love crochet and are ready to use your passion to earn side
income or to supplement your full time crochet business, Make Money Teaching
Crochet is the book for you!
Buy the Book
Make Money Teaching Crochet is available in three editions to meet your needs.
- The Ultimate Printable Edition is a PDF ebook including 15 worksheets and 5 customizable forms in Microsoft Word that you can use in your teaching business. Buy it now for 25% off through July 4, 2016.
- The Workbook Edition is a print book including 15 worksheets and forms for your teaching business.
- Make Money Teaching Crochet is also available as a streamlined ebook for your favorite ereader. Buy it now on Kindle or Kobo.
About the Author
Marie Segares is a crochet and knitting teacher, designer, blogger, and podcaster. She hosts the Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show, the podcast where you can find great ideas for launching, managing, and evolving your yarn-related business, and shares her patterns, tips, and projects on the Underground Crafter blog.
Since Marie began teaching crochet part time in 2008, she has taught hundreds of beginners to crochet and helped even more to improve their skills. In addition to private lessons, she has taught crochet or knitting classes through Barnard College Student Life, Adult School of Montclair, Brooklyn Workshop Gallery, DC37 Saturday Activities, Finger Lakes Fiber Arts Festival, Michaels, Mount Vernon Hotel Museum, North Jersey Fiber Arts Festival, Pittsburgh Festival, and Queens Public Library.
Marie is a professional member of, and volunteer blogger for, the Crochet Guild of America; a designer/teacher member of The Knitting Guild Association; and an affiliate member of The National NeedleArts Association. She is a graduate of Barnard College and earned master’s degrees from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and New York University Stern School of Business. She lives in New York City.
Follow the Virtual Book Tour
Learn more about the book and enter giveaways for your chance to win the Ultimate Printable Edition. The tour started on Saturday, June 11, 2016, don't miss out on any of the stops and chances to win a free copy of the book!
Would you like to score a copy of Make Money Teaching Crochet Ultimate Printable Edition book?
Marie at Creative Yarn Entrepreneur has kindly offered to give away one of these amazing books to one fantasticly lucky! Enter below using the Rafflecopter form. Open worldwide where allowed by law. Giveaway will run from 06/19/2016 at 3pm PST through 07/3/2016 at 11:59pm PST.
6/11: Creative Yarn Entrepreneur http://creativeyarnentrepreneur.com/mmtc
6/12: American Crochet http://americancrochet.com/
6/13: Crochet Concupiscence http://www.crochetconcupiscence.com/
6/14: Moogly http://www.mooglyblog.com/
6/15: Yarn Obsession http://yarnobsession.com/
6/16: Oombawka Design Crochet http://oombawkadesigncrochet.com/
6/17: Creative Income Blog http://www.creativeincomeblog.com/
6/18: Underground Crafter http://undergroundcrafter.com/
6/19: Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts http://kaleidoscopeartngifts.blogspot.com/
6/20: Fiber Flux http://www.fiberfluxblog.com/
6/21: The Stitchin’ Mommy http://thestitchinmommy.com/
6/22: CGOA Now! http://cgoanow.blogspot.com/
6/23: Same DiNamics Crochet http://www.samedinamicscrochet.com/
6/24: Nap Time Creations http://nap-timecreations.com/
6/25: Busting Stitches http://www.bustingstitches.com/
6/26: Rhelena’s Crochet Blog http://rhelena.com/
6/27: Jessie At Home http://jessieathome.com/
6/28: Rebeckah’s Treasures http://www.rebeckahstreasures.com/
6/29: Crochet Kitten http://crochetkitten.blogspot.com/
6/30: Poetry in Yarn http://poetryinyarn.com/
7/1: Ambassador Crochet http://ambassadorcrochet.com/
7/2: Persia Lou http://persialou.com/
7/3: Creative Yarn Entrepreneur (wrap up/roundup post) http://creativeyarnentrepreneur.com/
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