Monday, February 8, 2016

Arabella Boot Cuffs~a FREE crochet pattern by Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts for the #HolidayStashdownCAL2016

Arabella Boot Cuffs FREE crochet pattern for the #HolidayStashdownCAL2016

Join in on the CAL fun HERE!

Arabella Boot Cuffs a FREE crochet pattern by Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts
Arabella Boot Cuffs
Pretty, lacy, light enough to wear WAY into'll find yourself wanting to whip up a pair of these in every color! Great for gifts too, they work up super quick!

By using this pattern you agree to the Pattern Terms of Use set forth by Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts
This pattern is the intellectual property of Lisa Jelle/Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts. Rewriting, reselling, distributing, or copying this pattern as your own, and/or without my consent is prohibited. If you wish to sell finished items produced from this pattern, feel free to do so. However, I ask that you please credit me as the pattern designer and link back to me as follows:
Pattern by Lisa Jelle/Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts


Caron Simply Soft (or comparable #4/worsted) yarn. Approximately 100-150 yards.
US size I, J & K crochet hooks (I= small boot cuffs, J= medium boot cuffs, K= large boot cuffs), tapestry/yarn needle, scissors, stitch markers.
Boot Cuffs are: Adult Small, Medium and Large
(Using J hook) 8 hdcs = 2”x2” test swatch, R1-R8=3” tall
Small: 10” around, 5-6” tall
Medium: 14” around, 5 ½-6 ½” tall
Large: 18” around, 6-7” tall
ch(s)-chain(s), sc-single crochet, hdc-half double crochet, fhdc-foundation half double crochet (tutorial here: ), dc-double crochet, sl st- slip stitch, st(s)-stitch(es)
  • WDC-wrapped double crochet: Yo, insert hook from front of fabric around posts of previous 2 dc, yo, pull up loop, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook; yo, pull through remaining loops on hook.
  • Shell-(double crochet, ch1, double crochet) in designated stitch.

1. The beginning of each row only counts as a st when notated.
2. Place color changes where you would like (not included in pattern instructions)

(make 2)
Round 1: fhdc 36[42,48]  (NOT too loosely), join w/sl st in 1st fhdc
Round 2: ch3 (counts as dc), (do NOT turn) dc in same st, skip next st, shell in next st, skip next st, *dc in each of next three sts, skip next st, shell in next st, skip next st*, repeat from * - * til TWO sts remain, dc in last two sts, join w/sl st in first st
Round 3: ch3 (counts as dc), turn, dc in next st, *shell in next ch1 SPACE, dc in each of  next two dcs, WDC in next st*, repeat from * - * til one shell remains, shell in next ch1 SPACE, dc in next st, dc in top of turning chain, join w/sl st in first st (5WDC’s[6,7])
Round 4: ch3 (counts as dc), turn, dc in next st, *shell in next ch1 SPACE, dc in each of the next three sts*, repeat from * - * til one shell remains, shell in next ch1 SPACE, dc in next st, dc in top of turning chain, join
Round 5: ch1, turn, sc in first st, ch1, skip next st, *sc in next st, ch1, skip next ch1 space, sc in next st, ch1, skip next st, sc in next st, ch1, skip next st*, repeat from * - * til one shell remains, sc in next st, ch1, skip ch1 space, sc in next st, ch1, skip next st, sc in top of turning chain, join w/sl st in first st (37scs and chs[43,49])
Round 6: ch2 (counts as first ch1), turn, sc in next ch1 SPACE, *ch1, skip next sc, sc in next ch 1 SPACE*, repeat from * - * til one sc remains, ch1, join w/sl st in beginning ch2 SPACE from previous round (37scs and chs[43,49])
Round 7: ch1, turn, sc in first ch1 SPACE, *ch1, skip next sc, sc in next ch1 SPACE*, repeat from * - * to end, join w/sl st in first st (37scs and chs[43,49])
Round 8: ch2, turn, hdc in each sc and ch1 SPACE around, join w/sl st in first st (37sts[43,49])
Rounds 9-15: repeat Rounds 2-8 (but do NOT “dc in same st” when you repeat R2, just ch3 and dc in next st, then follow the rest of the R2 instructions)
Rounds 16-18: ch1, turn, sc in each st around, join w/sl st in first st (37sts[43,49])
Fasten off and weave in all ends.

I hope you enjoyed the Arabella Boot Cuffs FREE crochet pattern. You can find the rest of my patterns HERE

Enter your finished Arabella Boot Cuffs project (s) into the giveaway for a chance to score a sweet prize HERE.

Find the matching Arabella Footed Legwarmers/Bootsocks crochet pattern HERE!


  1. Can't wait for the footed legwarmers/chopsticks, love them Lisa.

    1. Haha! Footed chopsticks.. that made me giggle! Good ol' autocorrect!

  2. Ohhh! Love those leg warmers!

  3. Ohhh! Love those leg warmers!

  4. I went to and got "page not found". I'm sure I can find directions elsewhere, but thought you'd like to know.


  5. Thanks for share . These clothes are really nice and cute. I just love it Buy Boot Cuff

  6. How many yarn will you need to make these?
