Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Vote for your favorite in the Spring 2016 Future Faces of Crochet Competition!

I am SO excited to again announce that voting is OPEN, this time for the Spring 2016 edition of the Future Faces of Crochet competition!

Roughly four weeks ago, a group of talented young crocheters between the ages of 6 and 16 began crocheting a finished project to submit in the hopes of gaining recognition (and possibly winning prizes) in this friendly contest of skill. I know how much courage it takes to put your work out there for others to critique and I am beyond proud of these young guys and gals for taking the plunge.

Please take a moment to scroll down, check out each project ( there are TWO voting categories, split up by ages) and then click the 'heart' in the corner of your favorite in EACH age group. You get only ONE vote PER age group so make it count. The project in each age group with the most hearts by 11pm pst on Sunday 5/8 will be your Fans' choice winners. They will join the Judges' choice winners to receive some fabulous prizes from our sponsors. Check out my Facebook page for more info on these awesome sponsors:

Ages 6-10 Voting!

Ages 11-16 Voting!


  1. Replies
    1. Are you not able to click on the heart or the picture to vote? That's how final votes will be tallied.

  2. Age 6-10 I'm voting #1
    Age 11-16 I'm voting #3

    1. Are you not able to click on the heart or the picture to vote? That's how final votes will be tallied.

    2. Sorry! I went back and did that. Thanks :)

  3. All are great!! It was hard to choose only one in each category.

  4. Great job and good luck to you all! They are all great!
